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Exam QSDA2018 topic 1 question 20 discussion

Actual exam question from QlikView's QSDA2018
Question #: 20
Topic #: 1
[All QSDA2018 Questions]

Payroll managers need access to the payroll system to complete a quarterly report. A username and password is required to access the payroll system through an
ODBC connection. Only the system administrator should have access to the credentials and make updates as needed. Each payroll manager who access the app should only see their own employees.
Which two actions are required to set up the appropriate security? (Choose two.)

  • A. Make sure that the administrator creates appropriate sync rules to access the payroll system
  • B. Apply the correct section access to restrict data visibility
  • C. Make sure that the administrator applies security rules to the correct stream to restrict data visibility
  • D. Apply security rules to the app to restrict data visibility
  • E. Make sure that the administrator applies the correct security rules to the ODBC connection
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Suggested Answer: CD 🗳️


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8 months, 2 weeks ago
This question is on Qlik's practice questions and the answers are B & E. Reference: https://learning.qlik.com/mod/quiz/view.php?id=32494
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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