Task - Create a new nginx Ingress resource as follows: ✑ Name: pong ✑ Namespace: ing-internal ✑ Exposing service hello on path /hello using service port 5678
I have seen several commands listed here but it states it is for nginx so you need to add the nginx annotation like so:
k create ing pong -n ing-internal --rule="/hello=hello:5678" --annotation="nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target=/"
Also the debate of pathType:
I think the pathType should be exact because the path given is /hello and not /hello*
If you disagree and feel that pathType should be Prefix then your command would look like this:
k create ing pong -n ing-internal --rule="/hello*=hello:5678" --annotation="nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target=/"
From other forums I can see some people struggled with this question though it seems very simple. The first thing I would check is to search for the existence of a ingress-controller pod and ingress-controller service. The ingress-controller is mandatory for a ingress to work.
I wonder what is the catch with this (easy) question?
How to troubleshoot in case kubectl get ing does not show the ADDRESS?
Like in this example:
test-ingress external-lb * 80 59s
How the Ingress IngressClass is added? Is it needed to add IngressClass? The question does not mention IngressClass name. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#default-ingress-class
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