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Exam XK0-005 topic 1 question 167 discussion

Actual exam question from CompTIA's XK0-005
Question #: 167
Topic #: 1
[All XK0-005 Questions]

A systems administrator is compiling a report containing information about processes that are listening on the network ports of a Linux server. Which of the following commands will allow the administrator to obtain the needed information?

  • A. ss -plnt
  • B. tcpdump -nL
  • C. netstat -pn
  • D. lsof -lt
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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1 month ago
Selected Answer: A
The command that would provide information about processes listening on network ports in a Linux server is: A. ss -plnt This command will list all listening TCP ports along with the process information. So, option A is the correct choice.
upvoted 1 times
2 months ago
I use: nmap localhost
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: A
A. ss -plnt Explanation: The ss command in Linux is used to display detailed socket information, such as which processes are listening on which ports, among other things. The -p option displays the process ID and process name that are using the socket. The -l option displays only listening sockets. The -n option displays the port numbers in numerical form, and the -t option displays only TCP sockets. C. netstat -pn - This command displays information about network connections, routing tables, and a variety of network statistics. The -p option shows the process ID and process name associated with each socket, but it may not work on all systems, and netstat itself has largely been deprecated in favor of newer utilities like ss.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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