A Mule project contains a DataWeave module called MyModule.dwl that defines a function named formatString. The module is located in the project's src/main/ resources/modules folder.
What is the correct way in DataWeave code to import MyModule using a wildcard and then call the module's formatString function?
Highly Voted 3 years, 6 months agoZumo
3 years, 4 months agoDamster_99
1 year, 1 month agock0241
Highly Voted 3 years, 2 months agoedilberto1
3 years, 2 months agoKrunchysoup
Most Recent 3 weeks, 6 days agokimbi
7 months agoAlandt
8 months agoAlandt
8 months, 1 week agoSerjp3
8 months, 2 weeks agoExamDev
8 months, 2 weeks agoAlandt
8 months agoExamDev
8 months, 3 weeks agoDamster_99
1 year, 1 month agomalakas1231
1 year, 1 month agoMaddy_123
1 year, 7 months agoBankZenith
2 years, 6 months agofrediepulgoso
2 years, 7 months agocalazans
2 years, 9 months agooctober2
3 years, 1 month ago