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Exam EX407 topic 1 question 70 discussion

Actual exam question from RedHat's EX407
Question #: 70
Topic #: 1
[All EX407 Questions]

What are the minimum configurations that must be made to install Ansible Tower?

  • A. You must provide a target host and set some key user passwords.
  • B. You must generate an SSL certificate for the Ansible Tower web frontend.
  • C. You must specify a few key user passwords.
  • D. PROJECTS_ROOT must be configured.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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5 months, 1 week ago
answer is A. During the Ansible Tower installation process, you need to provide information about the target host where Ansible Tower will be installed, and you will need to set key user passwords, including the Tower administrator password PROJECTS_ROOT must be configured. This is not explicitly mentioned as a mandatory configuration during the initial installation of Ansible Tower.
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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