Which six files are involved in database recovery for block storage option after a database crash?
Correct Answer:
If there is a problem with any one of these essential database files, the entire database becomes corrupted and Essbase Server cannot start the database:
* essn.pag (A)
* essn.ind (B)
* dbname.esm (E)
* dbname.tct (F)
* dbname.ind (G)
.otl (for block storage databases) (H): Outline file, which stores all metadata for a database and defines how data is stored, but does not store data itself
To restore the database, delete these file, restart the database, and reload from data files or from export files backed up before the corruption.
Reference: Hyperion, Backup and Recovery Guide
Using Backup and Restore for Block Storage Databases
Which two options would provide a better design for the following accounts and metrics?
Correct Answer:
Use Application Design Best Practices, Minimize the number of dimensions, Avoid Repetition in dimensions, Avoid inter dimensional irrelevance. http://www.scribd.com/doc/40391863/10-Hardcore-Essbase-Tuning-Tips-You-Ve-Never-Heard-Before
Identify the two true statements about incremental loading.
Correct Answer:
A: Incremental loading and fast aggregation can provide near real-time analysis of transactional data.
C: Incremental loading creates subcubes or slices alongside the primary slice of the database.
Note: Following a data load, Essbase ASO does not store any aggregate values, but instead calculates them on demand. For large databases, where the time required to generate these values may become inconvenient, the database can materialize one or more aggregate "views", made up of one aggregate level from each dimension (for example, the database may calculate all combinations of the fifth generation of Product with the third generation of Customer), and these views are then used to generate other aggregate values where possible. This process can be partially automated, where the administrator specifies the amount of disk space that may be used, and the database generates views according to actual usage.
This approach has a major drawback in that the cube cannot be treated for calculation purposes as a single large hypercube, because aggregate values cannot be directly controlled, so write-back from front-end tools is limited, and complex calculations that cannot be expressed as
expressions are not possible.
Hyperion Essbase - System 9 Database Administrator's Guide
You should back up the following three for ASO.
Correct Answer:
C: The application directory should be backup up. BAckups for ASO File system backups are the best method for aggregate storage databases. To backup an
ASO database, 9.1. Stop the application. 9.2. Using the File system to back up the arborpath\app\appname
E: essbase.sec* -- Essbase security file
F: essbase.cfg -- Essbase Server configuration file
Reference: Roske, Edward; Tracy McMullen (2009-04-30). Look Smarter Than You Are with Essbase 11: An Administrator's Guide (Kindle Locations 8441-8444). interRel Press. Kindle Edition.